Demos for ICCPS 2012
Model-Based Testing of Implantable Cardiac Devices
Shilpa Sarode, Sriram Radhakrishnan, Varun Sampath, Zhihao
Jiang, Miroslav Pajic and Rahul Mangharam
BACHOL - Modeling and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems
Lei Bu, Dingbao Xie, Xin Chen, Linzhang Wang, and Xuandong Li
Towards a Wireless Building Management System with Minimum
Change to the Building Protocols
Qinghua Luo, Hang-yat Lam, Dan Wang, Daniel Wai-tin Chan, Yu
Peng, Xiyuan Peng
An Inverted Pendulum Demonstrator for Timed Model Based Design
of Embedded Systems
Kai Huang, Gang Chen, Nadine Keddis, Michael Geisinger,
Christian Buckl
Online Optimal Channel Sensing, Probing, Accessing in USRP
Yubo Yan, Panlong Yang, Lizhao You, Bowen Li
Monitoring Wide-Area Nature Reserves Based on Long-Distance
Wireless Mesh Networks
Zenghua Zhao, Ziwei Liu, Junjiao Ye, Hao Li